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Lost Villages Museum Collection With digital objects
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St. Lawrence Power Operator's home (1/3)

St. Lawrence Power Operator's home being moved through Mille Roches on July 18, 1956, to Bethune Street, Long Sault. The Provincial Paper Mill water tower is shown to the left of the house in this photo. This is one of the two Hydro Operators' homes moved out of Maple Grove to Long Sault in 1956. The Hydro operators worked at the St. Lawrence Power Co. sub-station, there. Because of their close proximity to the new Saunders Power Dam construction site, the two homes were lifted off their foundations around April 10, 1956, as the accompanying photo will attest, and sat in a relocated location at Maple Grove for over three months. This house was the second house moved into Long Sault, and it became Ontario-Hydro's relocation office at 35 Bethune Avenue. Its identity number was SL 701, and it was moved to Lot 366 in Townsite #2 on July 18, 1956, and placed on its new foundation the following day. A Benns family lived in this house shortly after being used as the Hydro office, then the Taplay family. David and Linda Synott and family lived here for many years. In 2021, Mario and Amy Kraemer Gibeault and family call this Seaway house their "Home".

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