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Lost Villages Museum Collection
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A game of shinny on Cornwall Canal

A game of shinny on the frozen Cornwall Canal behind the Lakeview Cheese Factory - March 1955. Dark sided house with white door was the William (Bill) MacDonald family home. The white house backing on the canal is that of the Ernie Robertson family.

Sheek Island Public School

Sheek Island Public School. After school closed in 1950, the deed for the land went to Roy Raymond, and the school was burned at the time of the Hydro and Seaway projects of the mid-1950s

Back view of George and Keitha Raymond's home

Back view of George and Keitha Raymond's home, Sheek Island. Sheek was a United Empire Loyalist from Pennsylvania. The island was owned by French and Wright, who purchased it from Department of Indian Affairs, to harvest large stands of pine. Wright and French sold the west half to the Raymond families, while the east half was sold to Peter Eamer - c. 1955

Mille Roches Beach

Photo taken pre-1956, showing the site of Mille Roches Beach on the Long Sault Parkway. The wooded area shown above the centre of this photo is Long Sault Island

Results 126 to 150 of 2081