P.N. Tait Store
The Love/McAndrews/McLaren Home
Mille Roches Powerhouse
Dynamo inside Mille Roches Powerhouse
S.S. #4 Mille Roches Public School Group photo
Curve in downtown Mille Roches
Kezar Fyckes house
stereoscopic slide of downtown Mille Roches
First skating rink at Mille Roches
The G.F. Harvey, Manufacturing Chemists building (1/2)
The Moccasin
Mille Roches GTR Station
The G.F. Harvey, Manufacturing Chemists building (2/2)
Mille Roches from Canal 1900s
Harold Buchner in 1916
Sawyer-Harris Grader in Downtown Mille Roches (1/3)
Sawyer-Harris Grader in Downtown Mille Roches (2/3)
Mille Roches from canal
Hugh Warner
Building railing on Hugh and Alice Warner home
R.A. Murdock's General Store
Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) Camp
Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) on Sheek Island
1926 School photo (2/2)
1926 School photo (1/2)