Iron bridge Mille Roches
Mille Roches Hockey Club
Stansel family home and post office
Aerial view Mille Roches
Early fire truck
Educators from Mille Roches Public School (2/2)
Manson Warner's new block
Educators from Mille Roches Public School (1/2)
Honey Farm
Mrs. Norman Hopson, nee Betty MacMillan
Treasure Island Honey Farm
Student at S.S.#6, Sheek Island Schoolhouse
Woodlands Gate to Cemetery
Arena in Mille Roches
Aerial view of Mille Roches. Highway #2
Provincial Paper Mill on Highway #2
Business section of Mille Roches
Downtown Aultsville
Downtown Aultsville 1950s
The George P. and Elsie Lapierre Grocery Store
Mille Roches Public School, Senior Grade
The Tom Gallagher home
Sorting Room of Provincial Paper Mill
McLaren Farm
Arthur Robertson's carriage shop