Martha and Floyd Buchner's home
Martha and Floyd Buchner
Mille Roches Arena demolition
Alice Young and James (Jimmy) Haining
Provincial Paper Mill and Bergin Lake
Dube/Dubeau family home
Sauve children
January 2, 1939 - New Year's Eve fire
Ruins from fire on New Year's Eve
Manson Warner block
Joe Fox's place in ruins
Ruins of Bush's Restaurant
Skinny dipping at the Mille Roches Quarry
St. George's Roman Catholic Chapel
Mille Roches United Church
Rev. Charles Dawes
Brooks Brothers
Rapids Prince
Remains of the Provincial Paper Mill
Burned out section of downtown Mille Roches
View from Hugh and Alice Warner home (2/2)
View from Hugh and Alice Warner home (1/2)
Milton and Golda Matheson home
Class at Mille Roches Public School
Home of John Joseph and Evalina (Bruyere) Denny