Showing 2081 results

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Lost Villages Museum Collection
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2063 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) Camp
Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) Camp
Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) on Sheek Island
Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) on Sheek Island
1926 School photo (2/2)
1926 School photo (2/2)
1926 School photo (1/2)
1926 School photo (1/2)
Unidentified gathering at Mille Roches
Unidentified gathering at Mille Roches
Airplane at Hart Farm (1/2)
Airplane at Hart Farm (1/2)
Airplane at Hart Farm (2/2)
Airplane at Hart Farm (2/2)
Sauve children
Sauve children
The James (Jimmy) Johnson's Service Station
The James (Jimmy) Johnson's Service Station
Ernie's Hotel
Ernie's Hotel
Gathering at the Mille Roches Grand Trunk Railway Station
Gathering at the Mille Roches Grand Trunk Railway Station
Harold Buchner
Harold Buchner
Arthur and Florence Gower
Arthur and Florence Gower
Swing Bridge near Mille Roches Powerhouse
Swing Bridge near Mille Roches Powerhouse
Albert Andrews' Blacksmith Shop
Albert Andrews' Blacksmith Shop
The poultry yard at "Big Rock Farm"
The poultry yard at "Big Rock Farm"
Downtown Mille Roches 1935
Downtown Mille Roches 1935
Downtown Mille Roches pre-1938
Downtown Mille Roches pre-1938
Mille Roches Public School 1938
Mille Roches Public School 1938
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (1/3)
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (1/3)
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (2/3)
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (2/3)
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (3/3)
Group of men alongside Bergin Lake at Mille Roches (3/3)
Destruction following New Year's Eve fire
Destruction following New Year's Eve fire
Mille Roches New Year's Eve fire - 1938-39
Mille Roches New Year's Eve fire - 1938-39
Looking over the ruins of the New Year's Eve fire 1938-39
Looking over the ruins of the New Year's Eve fire 1938-39
Results 26 to 50 of 2081